
Social Distancing is not the same as Emotional Distancing

Social Distancing is not the same as Emotional Distancing 300 168 te-clinic

Human beings need the company and support of other human beings – no matter how old, or how…

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Big Group Hug To You All…

Big Group Hug To You All… 300 168 te-clinic

Firstly, we’d first like to say, we would love to give you all a hug and to state…

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COVID-19 and the Elizabeth Clinic

COVID-19 and the Elizabeth Clinic 311 162 te-clinic

No matter what happens with COVID-19, the Elizabeth Clinic will endeavour to find a way to provide services…

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Good Grades and Intelligence are not the same thing.

Good Grades and Intelligence are not the same thing. 1050 701 te-clinic

Intelligence is not the same thing as academic achievement. Actually, it’s not uncommon for students to be unable…

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Anxiety in Children and Teenagers – Friend or Foe?

Anxiety in Children and Teenagers – Friend or Foe? 259 194 te-clinic

Stress isn’t a terrible thing in small doses. In fact, stress and anxiety have been an important part…

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Babies and Broken Bodies

Babies and Broken Bodies 150 150 te-clinic

    Pregnancy is a wonderful and extraordinary thing.  It demonstrates the amazing complexity and dynamism of the…

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